Hebe Veronica 'Mrs Winder' 10/20cm 2L pot Hebe Veronica Mrs Winder

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Hebe Mrs Winder makes an excellent informal, evergreen, flowering hedge. It has narrow green leaves with red coloured new growth and long, tapered, purple flower spikes that bloom above the shrubby foliage from summer until early winter.
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  • HAS FLOWERS (Purple)
  • Is Grazing Animal Friendly

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SKU HEBM-PG-10/20-2L
No. Plants (5 per metre)

Hebe Mrs Winder

Hebe Mrs Winder, sometimes referred to as Shrubby Veronica, is a low-growing evergreen hebe. It flowers profusely with long, purple-coloured, tapered flower spikes from late summer, throughout autumn and often into early winter. This variety is also salt-tolerant making it an excellent choice for coastal areas.

In ideal conditions, Hebe Mrs Winder can grow to about 1.3m tall, but on average usually grows to around 1m or slightly less, so it's particularly suitable for a low hedge. When trimming, we'd recommend it being neatened up into a series of mounds or a rounded hedge rather than have hard edges imposed on it, in order to highlight its best attributes.

Mrs Winder prefers a sunny situation and moist well-drained soil; it also benefits from being protected from fierce winter winds. It is somewhat faster growing when young but once it reaches its maximum height, the growth slows and it requires very little maintenance other than an annual trim to keep the desired shape.

See more low growing hedging plants.

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