There are a few things to consider when calculating the amount of topsoil needed for your project, mainly the depth of topsoil required.

As a guide:

If you are applying a layer of topsoil under turf we'd recommend at a depth of 10cm.

If you are looking to fill an entire trench for planting a new hedge then we recommend measuring the depth of the trench - excluding very small and very large plants a spades depth / 30cm is usually ample when planting a new hedge.

One 35L bag = approx. 28kg of topsoil

One 750kg bulk bag of topsoil = approx. 27 x 35 litre bags

1 Bag 750kg

Planting TypeQuantity
Turf sqm (laying soil 10cm deep)5.5sqm
Hedges length in metres (1m wide at 10cm depth)7.5m
Trees (number)15 trees

To calculate the amount of topsoil you need:

  • Measure the length and width of the area of topsoil in metres and multiply together.
  • Assess the depth of topsoil required in cm and multiply the above calculation by this figure - The depth required will be dependent on the previous use of the area, for example if the area was a patio you will require new topsoil at about 15cm depth, whereas if it was a lawn 5cm would be adequate.
  • Divide your answer by 100 and you will receive the amount of topsoil needed in cubic metres (our 750kg bags are 3/4's of a cubic metre)