Sarcococca confusa 2L Pot Sweet Box

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Sarcococca confusa is a fragrant, winter-flowering shrub with small, white, sweetly-scented flowers through the winter months replaced by black berries in spring. It is a hardy evergreen shrub, tolerant of a range of conditions, even deep shade, making this a versatile addition to the garden, particularly for shady or north facing borders. Perfect for borders or pots and providing interest through the colder months.
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  • HAS FLOWERS (White)

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Sweet Box

Also known as Sweet Box, Sarcococca confusa is shade-loving and winter-flowering. A bushy evergreen shrub with wavy-edged ovate leaves, it produces small but strongly-fragrant white stamen flowers in winter with gorgeous honey and vanilla undertones, which carry through to spring before being replaced by black, glossy berries.

Being evergreen Sarcococca confusa will add year-round interest to a border but will also grow well in pots. It is ideal for placing close to your home so that the lovely sweet fragrance can be enjoyed. This versatile and easy-to-grow shrub is also pollution tolerant making it a great option for urban or city gardens and it only reaches a height and spread is 2m x 1m, so is also suited to smaller gardens too.

Sarcococca confusa is remarkably hardy and will grow in a range of challenging conditions. It can even tolerate dry or deep shade, making it an excellent option for challenging north facing borders or shaded areas in general. It does however, prefer a sheltered spot if possible, with moist well-drained soil.

Overall Sarcococca confusa is very low maintenance, only needing a light trim to retain a pleasing shape once flowering has finished. Lightly trim to tidy the plant up if needed in late spring or early summer. A mulch or feed afterwards will be beneficial and help maintain plant health.

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