Pyracantha Red Berries Firethorn 'Red Column'

From £2.99
In Stock
Red Pyracantha is a beautiful and colourful hedge as well as being dense and spiny to stop intruders.
  • HAS FLOWERS (White)

In stock


Pyracantha Red Berries (Pyracantha coccinea 'Red Column') Hedge Plants Description

Red Pyracantha or Firethorn as it is commonly known, is a dense, spiny evergreen shrub and the perfect intruder deterrent. However, this variety is also popular for its profuse clusters of long-lasting, shiny red berries in autumn and abundance of highly scented, creamy-white flowers in May/June. Both the berries and the flowers are wildlife magnets providing an excellent food source for a host of insects and birds. We also have Orange and Yellow berrying varieties of Pyracantha.

Pyracantha is a tough, hardy plant which grows quite quickly (approx 50cm p.a.) and should be pruned after flowering to expose the spent flowers, which will become berries, to sunshine. It's very easy to grow in most soils and sun or partial shade but is not suitable for seaside gardens, very dense shade, or very windy sites.

The network of armoured stems makes it a great nesting site for small birds - with "breakfast in bed" in winter when they feast on the ripe berries. For alternatives, we also have other hedging species with berries, as well as varieties suitable for intruder-proof hedging.

Red Pyracantha is also available as a decorative but functional hedging screen, which not only looks great, but it also offers the privacy and security of a fence. It's ideal for smaller gardens with restricted space or defining external areas and boundaries. The Pyracantha screen is just one of the range of hedging screens available. Visit our Instant Hedging Screens page for more information

See our Pyracantha hedging guide for more information.

*Please note that in accordance with DEFRA regulations, we are unable to dispatch this species to anywhere outside of the UK Mainland.

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Choose Pyracantha Red Berries root types

What are root types?


Root types explained.

  • Bare root

    Field grown, bare roots are young plants that are only planted when they are dormant, from autumn to spring. We lift bare root plants and despatch them during the season but they can be pre-ordered in summer. As they are cheaper to grow, they are one of our most affordable hedge planting options.

  • Pot grown

    Pot grown plants can be planted year round and make a convenient option. They come in a wide range of sizes, from 10cm to 2.5m so they're suitable for the majority of planting requirements.

  • Root ball

    Also field grown, root ball plants are scooped out of the ground using machinery to keep their root system intact and wrapped in bio-degradable, hessian sacks. They are mature plants that provide dense coverage very early on, ideal for when you need a thick hedge quickly.

  • Instant

    Grown in troughs or bags that measure 50cm-1 metre in length and carefully clipped during the growing season. Our instant hedging troughs create a dramatic, instant hedge effect.


20 - 30cm

9cm Pot


Hedge length (metres)

No. Plants (6 per metre)



40 - 60cm

2L Pot


Hedge length (metres)

No. Plants (5 per metre)



60 - 90cm

2L Pot


Hedge length (metres)

No. Plants (5 per metre)



150 - 175cm

10L Pot


Hedge length (metres)

No. Plants (3 per metre)



120 - 150cm

10L Pot


Hedge length (metres)

No. Plants (2 per metre)


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