Spotted Laurel 40/60cm 5L pot x 50 Aucuba japonica Crotonifolia

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Spotted Laurel is also referred to by its Latin name Aucuba japonica ‘Crotonifolia'. It is a remarkable evergreen hedge plant that boasts glossy, thick, dark green foliage with distinctive yellow spots and vibrant red berries from late summer to early spring, and small maroon flowers in spring.
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  • HAS FLOWERS (Purple)
  • Planting Conditions: Suitable for normal, Chalk and Clay Soils in Full Sun or Semi Shade. Inland, Exposed or Coastal Sites
  • Growth Rate: expect average growth between 20cm and 40cm per year
  • Height: grows upto 3 metres in height
  • 12 Month Guarantee On All Plants - Buy With Confidence

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SKU AUC-PD30/50-5L-50
(Covers 16.67 metres)

Aucuba japonica 'Crotonifolia'

Acububa japonica 'Crotonifolia' embraces colour and structure throughout the year. It is the ideal choice of plant for your garden or outdoor space if you are looking to create a formal hedge. One of the key benefits to Spotted Laurel is that it is pollution tolerant, making it suitable and highly recommended in urban and suburban gardens. Spotted Laurel hedging grows on average 20-40cm per year, and we advise pruning this shrub to maintain shape during spring.

Acububa japonica 'Crotonifolia' is a reliable garden plant, as it grows well in most soil conditions, unlike other variegated species. Spotted Laurel will not lose its variegation even in shaded areas. However, please note, Acububa japonica 'Crotonifolia' is not suitable for extremely wet sites.

Like with other Laurel hedging, except Bay Laurel), the leaves and berries are harmful if eaten. If you are looking to grow a plant that provides edible produce such as berries, we have a variety of hedges with berries available to buy online or over the phone.

Whilst Spotted Laurel is a favourable choice from the Laurel family, Hedges Direct has other species available.These include Cherry Laurel, Portuguese Laurel, Laurel Etna, Compact Laurel and Laurel Caucasica. Please take a look at our Laurel Hedging Guide for more information.

Hedges Direct also has an extensive collection of Hedging with Colourful Foliage and Evergreen Hedging Plants available to buy online or over the phone.

Aucuba japonica 'Crotonifolia' and the Laurel Hedging family are available to buy all-year-round.

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