50 x 40/60cm RSPB Approved Flowering Bird Friendly hedging Bare Root Bare Root Hedging

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Planting an RSPB approved Flowering Bird Friendly hedge is a great way to support the wildlife in your garden, providing food, shelter and adequate nesting sites for a huge number of bird species. Developed under licence from RSPB Sales Ltd. to raise awareness of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (charity registration England and Wales no. 207076, Scotland no. SC037654).
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(Covers 7.14 metres)

Bare Root Hedging

RSPB Approved Flowering Bird Friendly Hedging Pack Description

This RSPB hedging bundle includes a mixture of flowering hedge plants that have been chosen by ourselves and the RSPB Conservation Team for their ability to provide structural diversity in a garden, a good source of berries, dense foliage for shelter and nesting, and an attractiveness to insects on which birds feed. Grown completely peat free to meet the RSPB's conservation requirements, this Flowering Bird Friendly hedging pack will decorate your garden with a burst of colourful blossoms, whilst meeting the basic needs of a huge variety of wildlife. Gardening for wildlife is more of a long-term investment than a quick fix but planting one of our Bird Friendly hedging bundles can get you on your way to creating a wildlife haven. 

Bare root bundles are made up of a mixture of the following 5 species:

Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) - one of the best native hedging plants for British wildlife. Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa) - its early flowers are a great source of nectar. Wild Cherry (Prunus avium) - fragrant flowers and good autumn colour. Dog Rose (Rosa canina) - flowers attract insects and fruits are eaten by various bird species. Guelder Rose (Viburnum opulus) - seasonal colour provided by red autumn leaves and berries as well as white summer flowers.

Cell grown bundles are slightly different. They include Crab Apple (Malus sylvestris) instead of Dog Rose.

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