Pittosporum 'Golf Ball' 5L Pot Pittosporum 'Golf Ball'

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An attractive, decorative evergreen shrub, Pittosporum 'Golf Ball' grows naturally into a globe-like shape. The pretty foliage is pale-green and shiny against contrasting black stems making this a shrub with lots of visual interest and year-round appeal. It is an excellent choice for borders or containers and looks pleasing when offset with softer, colourful or taller planting. Alternatively, you can also topiarise for a more defined shape.
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  • HAS FLOWERS (Purple)

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Pittosporum 'Golf Ball' is so named because this compact yet bushy shrub naturally grows into a globe-like shape, reminiscent of topiary but with a softer, more informal silhouette. Featuring shiny, pale to mid-green ovate leaves on dark, almost black stems and small purple-brown flowers in spring, Pittosporum Golf Ball makes an attractive addition to shrub borders and lends itself well to container growing.

The defined shape and dense foliage of Pittosporum 'Golf Ball' also makes it an excellent shrub with which to create contrasts in planting, for example with tall grasses or flowering perennials, creating lots of visual interest. Although naturally globe-shaped, it is also possible to further topiarise this shrub to make into a more formal shape, so increasing its versatility of look and use. All in all, this decorative shrub offers year-round interest and a lovely aesthetic regardless.

Pittosporum 'Golf Ball' is best planted in moist, well-drained soil of any type except clay-based soils which are a little too heavy. It is best in a sunny or semi-shaded location and being classed as semi-hardy, may need protection from winter frosts and cold, drying winds, therefore a more sheltered location is best. Pittosporum 'Golf Ball' will grow to a maximum height and spread of 1m.

Little pruning if any is needed as Pittosporum 'Golf Ball' naturally grows to a rounded shape, however if a tidy is needed, trim in spring after flowering has finished. Never trim over winter as being semi-hardy, this could damage the plant. Mulch annually with compost or manure around the base of the plant.

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