Mexican Orange Blossom 10/20cm 2L pot Choisya ternata

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Mexican Orange Blossom hedge is also commonly known as Choisya ternata. It's a stunning, evergreen hedge plant with white star-shaped flowers that will complement your landscape and other garden shrubs. Choisya ternata boasts an incredible fragrance too.
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  • HAS FLOWERS (White)
  • Is Grazing Animal Friendly

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SKU CHO-PG-10/20-2L
No. Plants (5 per metre)

Choisya ternata

Choisya ternata is recognised for its beautiful, star-shaped white flowers that blossom in mature plants during May. Choisya ternata isn't shy of producing an abundance of flowers, transforming your garden into something more spectacular and inviting. Sometimes, Mexican Orange Blossom can produce a second flush of flowers in late summer/autumn if the stems are cut back by about 20/30cm after flowering in May. For the rest of the year, the glossy dark green, evergreen foliage is beautiful.

Choisya ternata flowers and thrives in a full sun position although it will tolerate partial or light shade. If placed in a semi-shaded position, the plant may not flower as prolifically as in full sun. Ideally plant in a sheltered spot in well-drained moist soil. Mexican Orange Blossom will grow in most soil types as long as they don't become too wet or too dry for a sustained period of time.

Aside from the stunning white flowers, another variety of Mexican Orange produces gorgeous golden-coloured, star-shaped flowers.Choisya ternata 'Sundance (Golden Mexican Orange Blossom) is available to buy from Hedges Direct. Both varieties of Mexican Orange Blossom look attractive mixed together or planted alone.

If Mexican Orange Blossom has inspired you to plant more colourful, flowering hedges in your garden, please take a look at our flowering hedge plants on our website or contact us today on 01257 263 873 or email

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