Hydrangea 'Lacecap Red' 5L Pot Hydrangea 'Lacecap Red'

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Hydrangea ‘Lacecap Red' is a popular pink-red flowering Lacecap variety with a colourful seasonal display into late autumn. This compact deciduous shrub has long-lasting, large flowerheads and deep-green serrated leaves turning red in autumn. Perfect for smaller gardens, flower beds and mixed-shrub borders.
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Hydrangea 'Lacecap Red' shrubs are bushy but compact deciduous shrubs that provide long-lasting seasonal colour. In spring, red stems produce deep-green, toothed leaves with red-veins. Large, flattened, pinky-white flowers appear in summer that deepen to rosy-pink/red and surround a central cluster of small, pinkish-green, fertile flowers to which they attract bees and butterflies. The Lacecap Red flowerheads are long-lasting into autumn and the foliage takes on warm reddish-purple tones for additional seasonal interest.

Hydrangea 'Lacecap Red' should be grown in a sheltered position away from cold, drying winds to prevent damage to new buds. For the brightest flowering, 'Lacecap Red' should be grown in full sun with some afternoon shade. To retain the deep rsoy-pink flower colour, the soil should be kept alkaline. If the soil is neutral or acidic the flowers will take on a blue hue.

A compact yet bushy shrub, Hydrangea 'Lacecap Red ' will bring vibrant, long-lasting colour to flower beds and herbaceous borders. Plant singly or in multiples for greater visual appeal.

Although pruning isn't necessary, a reasonable prune back in early spring will encourage vigorous growth and increased flower production with good colour in the summer. You can also choose to remove the spent flowers in autumn to tidy up the plant. To renovate an overgrown plant, cut off all the stems at the base, but you may need to wait a year before it's ready to flower again.

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