Gorse Cell grown 15/30cm x 100 Ulex europaeus

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Gorse hedging, also referred to as Ulex europaeus, is a fantastic native hedge, boasting long, prickly spines and a much longer flowering season.
  • HAS FLOWERS (Yellow)
  • Is Grazing Animal Friendly
  • Planting Conditions: Suitable for normal, clay or chalk soils, full sun to semi shade and inland, coastal or exposed sites
  • Growth Rate: Average growth, expect 20-40cm per year
  • Height: Easily maintained at 1-3m
  • Multipack includes a discount of 10%

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SKU ULE-PG-15/30-CG-100
(Covers 14.29 metres)

Ulex europaeus

Gorse hedging holds an abundance of positives. It's an evergreen, native plant that is incredibly prickly and has an extremely long flowering season starting from early spring (even when the weather feels colder), until mid-summer. There's an old country saying - 'When Gorse is out of blossom, kissing's out of fashion'. Ulex europaeus is suited to many situations, including dry and exposed coastal sites. You can view our full range of hedging for exposed sites here.

The flowers produced by Gorse are pea-like, due to this species originating from the legume family. Gorse flowers are a distinguished egg yolk colour and extremely fragrant. Hedges Direct has a full range of fragrant hedging and flowering hedge plants available. These types of plants are capable of creating the ultimate sensory garden.

Another reason why Gorse is a favourable hedge plant is that it can adapt to a variety of soil conditions including poor soils, sandy soils or rocks. However, for this hedge plant to successfully grow and develop the soil must be well-drained and have the nitrogen-fixing capacity, so that it can improve the soil for the benefit of other plants.

Gorse is not a fast-growing plant; it tends to grow 15-30 cm per annum. However, it will grow up to 2.5m and is particularly recommended for intruder-proof hedging due to the vicious spines. Ulex europaeus it also suitable for windy, exposed, coastal sites and historically used as a windbreak, which could be cut to provide animal feed. Its dense prickly nature provides good wildlife shelter. Gorse hedging will also tolerate alkaline soils, but it's also particularly good on acid soils.

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