Geranium sanguineum 2L Pot Geranium sanguineum

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Geranum sanguineum features bright magenta flowers over mid-green foliage, flowering from late spring to late summer. Pretty and compact, this more modest sized, clumping geranium is perfect for rockeries, beds and borders as low ground cover, or even pots on the patio.
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  • HAS FLOWERS (Pink)

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Bloody Cranesbill

Geranium sanguineum, commonly known as Bloody Cranesbill is a much prettier plant than the name implies. The simple five-petalled flowers are a rich, deep magenta colour with small, white centres over mid-green compact foliage. Unusually, in autumn, the foliage turns red before dying back for the winter.

As with other Cranesbill geraniums, this variety of geranium is popular with pollinators including bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects. Classed as a deciduous geranium, sanguineum will die back in winter but develop fresh, new growth in spring.

Geranium sanguineum is a fast-growing but more compact, clump-forming perennial, not quite reaching the height and spread of other varieties, but ideal for filling space in borders, rockeries or for underplanting.

Plant in a well-drained but moist soil in sunny or partly-shaded conditions. Feed monthly during the growing season with a balanced fertiliser, watering well if the weather becomes hot and dry. If plants are looking a little tired through summer, simply remove any dead flower heads or old flowering stems to encourage healthy growth and further flowering.

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